
 Become a member today 

Membership is $100 annually (Jan 1 to Dec 31).
Your paid family membership includes the use of all Club facilities by your spouse, and all immediate family members under the age of 18. Separate memberships are required for all other adult family members. Primary members may use all facilities with a maximum of two (2), invited, non-member guests. This guest limit shall not apply to Military Service Personnel on leave from active duty service. 

No paper application is available, if you pay in person via check/cash, you must still complete the online application.

PLEASE NOTE - Effective 2/7/2024  you must be a 2024 member and have a code to the gate for entry.
At the Tues., Feb. 6, 2024 monthly meeting, there was a 1st reading to change the monthly meeting date to the 1st Monday of each month.  If the 2nd reading passes, it will be effective April 1, 2024.

 Please note all signs regarding safety and usage rules on firearms range's.

The Sportsman Club Board of Directors has banned any explosive/incendiary material for target or other purposes. Tannerite and Star Targets would be an example, but so would any improvised explosive/incendiary devices.